"Hoodoo Train," the 1990 release by Memphis-based all-female band The Hellcats, serves as a compelling snapshot of the city's vibrant roots-punk scene. The album, distributed by New Rose Records in France, embodies a fusion of alternative rock, garage rock, indie rock, and country rock, showcasing the band's versatility and distinctive sound within the broader roots music landscape. Led by a lineup featuring Diane Green, Giovanna Pizzorno, Lisa McGaughran, Lorette Velvette, Misty White, and Su Ondine, The Hellcats deliver a memorable collection of tracks on "Hoodoo Train." The album's eclectic mix includes noteworthy songs like "Where The Hell Is Memphis," "Hoodoo Train," and "Crazy About You Baby." The Hellcats' spirited and rocking approach, coupled with their skillful musicianship, contributes to the album's appeal. Despite the band's relatively short-lived existence, "Hoodoo Train" stands as a testament to The Hellcats' significant presence in the Memphis music scene and their ability to infuse energy and originality into the roots-punk genre.